Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just a Thought

There are a lot of big, important moments that occur in our lives like the day you were born. Your parents were so excited to bring you into their lives.Do you remember the first day of kindergarten? Were you scared to leave your mom? What about graduation and trying to decide what to do with the rest of your life? Or waiting for graduation to come so you could finally live on your own. All of these events should be celebrated!

Although these big steps directed you in your life, I believe that the small, unexpected moments are what shaped you to be who you are today-and will continue to shape you into who you will become. What are the little, unexpected moments you might ask? They are the everyday encounters you have, what you decide to do with you time, how you decide to react to situations--all of the little things that don't seem to matter.
I started this blog because I've been thinking about this a lot lately. A couple of weeks ago I was heading back to college after a long weekend. I had barely gotten out of my hometown and my car got a flat tire! I called my dad to inform him what was going on because, my "changing tire skills" have gone down hill! Some people ended up helping me and I made it to the tire store to get it fixed. May I add that tire stores are my absolute favorite! I love the smell of tires and you're given free beverages while you wait! What more could I ask for? Anyway, my tire got fixed and I was headed back to school--I made it 10 feet away from the tire store and my car died. (I had concluded that I obviously wasn't supposed to go back to school!) We had someone look at my car and it started up just fine three times in a row...just my luck; I missed my classes and I looked like a silly girl who didn't know what she was talking about! Well, I still had my car looked at because it was suggested and I picked it up a couple of days later. I made it back to school safely and I was getting ready to drive to a meeting with my friend and we were about to leave the parking lot and my car died...AGAIN!!! Obviously, we decided to do what was best and move it out of the way-while we were pushing my car to a parking space another car was coming and it tried to get passed us--lo and behold, we ran into each other and I was in a car accident. All of this "car stuff" happened in a matter of 4 days! But, I'm grateful that it all happened and that it happened the way it did!

Even though that week was terrible, I realize that everything could have been so much worse! I was incredibly blessed during my trials and I always am. When my tire went flat I was 5 minutes away from the nearest tire store, I had help within 7 minutes, I got to spend more time with my family than I expected, and it humbled me. Sometimes, I forget about how much help I receive and I take credit for a lot of the work that I didn't do alone. Most of the time I think that "I'm all that and a bag of Potato chips" and I need to be reminded that I'm not all that! But, most importantly this experience humbled me so that I would be able to understand something that I needed to do a very long time ago--Forgiveness. 

Having my car freak out on me was a small, unexpected moment that helped me change in a big way. It shaped a little piece of me to start becoming what I want to be.
Just a note: If you ever want to share any of your little moments, excitements, or anything that helped you please share! This blog is to help each other. I don't mind if you laugh at my little stupidities--that's why they're here; believe me when I say that I laugh at myself everyday because I wonder how I get into some of the things I do!